The easiest and fastest way to delete large files in the Windows system without software!
Author: youssef aziz Dated: February 25, 2016
Usually the system and Windows users to delete a number of files in small size either by clicking on the Delete key on the keyboard in order to send them to the Recycle Bin Recycle Bin or by pressing buttons Shift + Delete to remove it permanently and fast without sending it to the Recycle Bin, but what about the large files surely when you delete one of these traditional methods will find it takes a lot of time in the deletion and may often fail to delete the file, and there are free programs to help you in the large-sized scan files as fast as fast Folder Eraser program, but the richness of any program and you can delete any file whatever its size quickly and in a few seconds and the easiest way, through a trick in the Windows system, specifically in the CMD command prompt in the system, let us review them with you directly.
As I pointed out to you The way would be by making file Patch of facing commands CMD in Windows by tool Notepad and you can if you want to delete any large file size either 10 GB or more just drag this file to patch and within less than a second in a file will be deleted final of the hard disk, this is better than using the delete key on the keyboard also think that this method is also useful for those with incurable files are deleted from the same patch.
First open Notepad Notepad tool through the Start menu Start and then copy and paste the following code into the tool:
del / f / s / q% 1> nul
rmdir / s / q% 1
After pasting the code within the tool put pressure on the Department File from the top and then choose from the list on the Save option dropdown As We select where to save the file and then play then enter the file name Delete File.bat and in front of Save box as type we select All option Files and then we click on the button save from the bottom of the file is saved in the specified place.
Now all you have to do is drag the folder you want to delete and which is of a size large and dropping it on the patch file that we have created and immediately you will find that the file has been deleted completely from the hard drive, and notice of the motion picture above, I've using a file to the Windows version size 3.10 GB as soon as you moved the file delete file file was removed immediately and you can save this file on your desktop and use the office at any time you want it to delete any file even if they are intractable, and certainly time spent on the file size of the stop but in any case will be lower than taken when using traditional methods.
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